Flat Fee Listing MLS Service
List your property on the MLS for a flat listing fee. Better than being a "For Sale By Owner." Pay an agent who brings you a buyer 2.5% to 3% (recommended). You get a professional MLS listing in your local MLS with all the essentials that 6% agents provide, PLUS all the cost saving benefits of listing on your on the MLS at a flat fee. PLUS your listing will appear on literally hundreds of other websites that display MLS listings, including national sites. Includes for sale sign, brochures, photos of your home, virtual tour, offer negotiation and more. You basically get the same type of service that you do with other realtors other than you the seller being responsible for holding your own broker preview and open houses that will save you thousands of dollars listing your home this way. Available in Southern California only. For more information see below link or please contact Debbie Burton for more information at [email protected].